“Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld” was a late-night talk show on Fox News that aired from 2007 to 2017. Hosted by Greg Gutfeld, who is known for his satirical and humorous style, the show was a unique blend of political satire, humor, and pop culture commentary. It featured a panel of guests, including journalists, comedians, and political commentators, who discussed current events, media, and entertainment topics in a lighthearted and often irreverent manner.Gutfeld’s approach on “Red Eye” was distinctive for its mix of edgy humor and insightful commentary, often challenging conventional viewpoints. The show gained a following for its unconventional take on news and its ability to mix serious discussion with comedy. Gutfeld’s charisma and wit were key to the show’s success, making it a staple for viewers who appreciated a different take on late-night television.”Red Eye” was notable for introducing viewers to Gutfeld’s unique brand of humor and commentary, which he later brought to other shows on Fox News, including “The Five” and “The Greg Gutfeld Show.” The show’s influence extended beyond its run, as it provided a platform for many guests who went on to have significant careers in media and entertainment.